

Court proceedings relying on Law no. 31/1990

Why choose “Bordianu și Asociații” when you decide to start your own business?

“Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm is at your service with a team of specialists in the companies’ law, every one of them determined to offer you the best services, the best client relation, and the guarantee that your rights will be defended both on the short and on the long-term – as your business grows and new situations requiring an expert’s eye arise.

Our expert in the companies’ law Dan Constantin

I support “Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm’s clients starting the very first step in the establishment of a new company, and I provide legal assistance with regards to the set-up, operation, closure, dissolution, winding up, merger and demerger of companies. The recommendations of the hundreds of satisfied clients in our portfolio are an honor to us. Please do not hesitate to contact me, and together, we will open new horizons!

“We are at your services so that, together, we can find the smartest solutions to the situations you might face”.

We offer free registered office hosting for 12 months.

More than 1,000 companies were successfully established. Zero issues

Company establishment: 5 days. Trade Register Office fees: RON 120

Draw up of all documents, handling of all steps and formalities.


To help you understand whether you need a law firm, we will list below the activities that “Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm offers in relation to the establishment of a company in Romania and the ancillary services.

We cover all the situations a beginner or experimented entrepreneur might face, and who requires consultancy to cope with the challenges of the business environment.

  • Company identity reservation and registration
    We handle the drawing up of the documents that turn your business into a trademark and keep it at bay from disputes related to intellectual rights.
  • Transfer of shares/stock
    Any company may go through times of conflict, when one of the parties involved in the company no longer desires to be a part of it. “Bordianu și Asociații” offers consultancy for the settlement of the dispute to the satisfaction of both parties.
  • Appointment, replacement/changing of auditors.
  • Registered capital increases or decreases.
  • Endorsement/licensing of the fields of activity
  • Registration/deregistration of business unit, and the establishment of branches and subsidiaries
  • Amendment of the main activity and supplementing the secondary activities
  • Suspending a company’s activity over a period of 3 years
  • Correction of material errors
  • Changing the legal form of a company
  • Obtaining punctual business and information certificates from the Trade Registry Office
  • Mergers, deregistrations, dissolutions, winding-ups
  • Consultancy and legal assistance regarding the organization and operation of companies and organizations


Any heartfelt business is the fruit of a dream: the dream of independence, of personal challenge and of doing things your own way. However, many entrepreneurs fear the first obstacle: the legal steps required to start a business in Romania.

From the establishment of the company to the documents you need, where you need to submit them and the correct management of the situations that may arise along the way or when your business has already become a stable reality – this is where “Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm steps in.


By answering all the questions regarding the establishment of a company and a providing number of other small details that you wouldn’t even have considered, “Bordianu și Asociații” offers legal assistance throughout the process required for the establishment of a company in Romania: from the first steps to the draw up of the company’s internal policies.


We have NO hidden costs!

There will be NO added costs during our collaboration!

We will NOT disinform our clients!

We DO NOT cause problems for our clients, but instead solve the problems they are facing!

What do our clients say about us?

I needed to change the company’s shareholding structure. One of the shareholders has left the company. Things were a bit tense, so I needed flawless expertise, but also efficient advice, to have my needs covered quickly and efficiently. The team at “Bordianu și Asociații” has been of great assistance to me, starting the very beginning, and everything was quickly solved. I am sure that I have benefited from excellent legal advice, but I also had an advantage. “Bordianu și Asociații” also approaches everything from the perspective of mediation because they also hold this competency. This was the beginning of a solid cooperation.

Elena V, Entrepreneur, Bucharest, 37 years old.

For more details on how we can assist you and help you make sure you are on the right track with your business, please fill out the contact form or give us a call..