Court proceedings relying on Law no. 31/1990
Why choose “Bordianu și Asociații” when you decide to start your own business?
“Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm is at your service with a team of specialists in the companies’ law, every one of them determined to offer you the best services, the best client relation, and the guarantee that your rights will be defended both on the short and on the long-term – as your business grows and new situations requiring an expert’s eye arise.
Our expert in the companies’ law Dan Constantin
I support “Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm’s clients starting the very first step in the establishment of a new company, and I provide legal assistance with regards to the set-up, operation, closure, dissolution, winding up, merger and demerger of companies. The recommendations of the hundreds of satisfied clients in our portfolio are an honor to us. Please do not hesitate to contact me, and together, we will open new horizons!