■ Your favorite hero?
My favorite hero is The Little Price, Saint-Exupery’s extraordinary little fellow. Beyond its apparent simplicity, the character embodies the child in each of us, meaning everything that is authentic, beautiful, and eminently good in us.
■ Name one of your personal goals for the following 5 years.
I want to have the wisdom and time to enjoy life, with everything it has to offer. I want to have the time to go for a walk with my son at lunch, on a business day, and have a chocolate ice-cream eating competition.
■ What would be your advice to a trainee lawyer on their first day at “Bordianu și Asociații”?
To be open, see with their heart and listen to their soul. You learn this trade by listening to people. They should remember that a man’s character is the tree, and reputation is the shadow.
■ Why do you practice law?
Being a lawyer allows you to do good using the law. As a lawyer, you are constantly improving yourself as a person, and as a professional.
Being a lawyer is a challenging job, where you don’t challenge others, but instead yourself. It is a trade that requires you to go beyond your limits because it involves challenges and skills that generally deter people: public speaking, persuasion, meeting deadlines, exposing yourself to different and complex types of people.
I didn’t choose law, law choose me, so that I can do good.
■ How do you support your clients?
Our main goal is to solve the problems each of them brings before us. We are generally approached in an acute context.
But our constant concern is to educate the business environment, to educate the main stakeholders of a legal relation, so that they fully understand both their rights, and their obligations, and thus discourage unfortunate events.
My desire is to have an impact on the medium-term, to bring about a change for the better in legal behaviors.
■ Why should clients choose “Bordianu și Asociații” Law Firm?
First, due to our approach, honesty, and hands on approach. Also, for a long-term partnership, for loyalty. I think the biggest challenge in our trade is the lawyer-client relationship, the way you build it, the way you maintain it and the way you end it. Endings are at least equally important as beginnings.
We constantly learn from our clients, both from the satisfied and especially from the dissatisfied ones. And it is for them that we try to be the best and wisest version of ourselves each day.